We live in a human package which includes our emotions, reason and our five senses. For the average individual, the human package must be our ally, but in many cases, we develop an overgrowth of reason and put our intuition and soul in the back seat of our lives. Sometimes living in the human package is not enough and we start to seek out a deeper meaning and purpose in our human existence. We might start to question everything and attempt to find harmony between our human package and our soul.
In our counseling sessions, we promote spiritual growth and encourage greater familiarity with the soul through holistic and metaphysical teachings and exercises. You will obtain other perceptions to help you through your particular circumstances that your five senses and reason cannot perceive.
In our counseling sessions, we promote spiritual growth and encourage greater familiarity with the soul through holistic and metaphysical teachings and exercises. You will obtain other perceptions to help you through your particular circumstances that your five senses and reason cannot perceive.
Spiritual Counseling May Include:
Dream Interpretation. Our dreams are very intuitive and hold answers to our every day problems and situations. By interpreting the symbols contained in a dream, we can expand on our soul's growth.
Energy Scan: This entails reading the colors that are presented in your aura which imparts information about your mental, emotional, and physical situations that are currently occurring in your life..
Karmic Imprints: We develop karma from our negative reactions in past lives. By the soul creating new experiences in the current lifetime, we have the opportunity to change our perspective and react correctly to the experience, eliminating the karma. A spiritual reading can find what those negative reactions were and help aid you in eliminating the karmic imprints.
Messages From Spirit Guides. Your spiritual guides hold the blue prints to your lifetime. They understand your soul's mission and karmic imprints. They are your best friends who do not judge you and never look at things as good or bad, just old or new.
Messages From Loved Ones. Our spiritual wellness counselor is a recognized professional medium with 37 years in practice. Her natural born approach has helped more than 5,000 clients across the United States be reunited with their deceased loved ones. We believe in the relationship between the human package and the soul, and view spiritual wellness as an aid to professional grief counseling, not a replacement.
Past Lives. As an alternative to hypnotherapy, a spiritual reading can obtain experiences you had in your past lives which can help you understand your phobias, habits, characteristics, passions, and relationships that you hold in your current lifetime.
Soul Stage: On a soul psychological approach, instead of traditional psychology, The Seven Stages of Reincarnation offers an opportunity to understand your personality, characteristics, and perceptions as well as others in order to cope with and heal from life's difficult experiences and relationships.
Soul's Mission: What your soul is asking you to aspire to be in this lifetime. It answers the question, "what is my purpose in this life?"
Energy Scan: This entails reading the colors that are presented in your aura which imparts information about your mental, emotional, and physical situations that are currently occurring in your life..
Karmic Imprints: We develop karma from our negative reactions in past lives. By the soul creating new experiences in the current lifetime, we have the opportunity to change our perspective and react correctly to the experience, eliminating the karma. A spiritual reading can find what those negative reactions were and help aid you in eliminating the karmic imprints.
Messages From Spirit Guides. Your spiritual guides hold the blue prints to your lifetime. They understand your soul's mission and karmic imprints. They are your best friends who do not judge you and never look at things as good or bad, just old or new.
Messages From Loved Ones. Our spiritual wellness counselor is a recognized professional medium with 37 years in practice. Her natural born approach has helped more than 5,000 clients across the United States be reunited with their deceased loved ones. We believe in the relationship between the human package and the soul, and view spiritual wellness as an aid to professional grief counseling, not a replacement.
Past Lives. As an alternative to hypnotherapy, a spiritual reading can obtain experiences you had in your past lives which can help you understand your phobias, habits, characteristics, passions, and relationships that you hold in your current lifetime.
Soul Stage: On a soul psychological approach, instead of traditional psychology, The Seven Stages of Reincarnation offers an opportunity to understand your personality, characteristics, and perceptions as well as others in order to cope with and heal from life's difficult experiences and relationships.
Soul's Mission: What your soul is asking you to aspire to be in this lifetime. It answers the question, "what is my purpose in this life?"